Here's how Grandmom's family left Russia for a new life in the U.S. fifteen years before she was born.
Nels Sommer & Ane Marie Jonasen met and married in Denmark and had their first two children there before emigrating to Rockford, Illinois.
Tracks the Suttleman/Zitelman family from the area around Rivne, Ukraine to Baltimore, Maryland and Curitiba, Brazil
In July 1940, consular officials from three nations conspired to open an escape route for Jews out of occupied France. Why did they do it?
The story of how my great-grandmother almost didn't make it to the U.S.
The home of a French Jewish jeweller was "Aryanized" and became a Nazi salon during the Occupation.
Robert & Dick met at Brown University in 1979. They share fifteen direct Ancestors, and more common lines of descent.
This "American mutt" learns about the distant ancestor who immigrated to the US in search of religious freedom... but didn't stay for long!
After fleeing Ireland as a young man, during the potato famine, Samuel settles on a farm in Burlington, New Jersey, and has eight children.
Part 1: Joseph Fagan's journey from Minsk to New York City
The Tulbowitz/Ratner family originated in the Vitebsk region, lived for decades near Rostov-on-Don, and finally settled in Albany, New York.
Joseph and Lena Rabinowitz were Russian immigrants who ran a corner grocery in Jewish Harlem. Their nine children were native Americans.