by: Dan Ruby
Solomon and Sophie Tulbowitz pulled up stakes from the shtetl in Rezhitsa (today it is Rezekne is western Latvia) in the 1870s.
For 20 years they settled in Novocherkassk, near Rostov-on-Don in the south of Russia, where they ran a tavern and raised a family.
Daughter Rose and her husband Abe departed from there in 1890, eventually settling in Albany, N.Y., under the new name of Ratner.
Peisach Tulbovitch was born in Rezhita in 1818.
Scholom Ahron (Solomon) Tulbowitz was born in 1845.
Abraham Ratner was born in Minsk on MAY 1869.
Rose Tulbowitz Ratner was born in Rostov-on-Don, Russia on JUN 1873.
George (Peyzer) Ratner was born in New York on MAR 1891.
Selma Ratner was born in Albany New York on JUN 1898.
Joan Ruby was born on 28 SEP 1918.
Abraham Ratner died (Y) in Albany New York in 1941.
Wendy Felenstein was born on 13 FEB 1941.
Selma Ratner died (Y) in Rockville Centre New York in 1980.
Joan Ruby died (Y) on 31 DEC 1998.
Wendy Felenstein died (Y) on 12 AUG 2002.
to be continued...