

About Me

I was first introduced to genealogy when I was 12 or 13 years old, by my Aunt Helen Sanger, who is still my biggest booster, and at 90 years old the best living source for information about our family's history..

I got serious in 2008 when I was unemployed for a year, and accidentally set the challenge of getting my family, and my husband's family accepted into the Mayflower Society.

We each had bone fide new founding ancestors before I had a new source of employment.


The Secrets  of Lonni Wernicke Wheeler Sanger

The Secrets of Lonni Wernicke Wheeler Sanger

How the truth behind my grand-mother's life was revealed as gossip at her burial, and only shown to be true 20 years later.

1891 – 1987
  • 16
  • 2
The Widow Sanger:
Poverty & Charity
in 1700 Mass

The Widow Sanger: Poverty & Charity in 1700 Mass

Mary Reynolds, Kent, England, arrived 1630, married Richard Sanger 1649, 7 kids. In 1705, at 75, begging food/wood at town meeting.

1475 – 46
  • 14
My family's brush with History:
Delaware Redux

My family's brush with History: Delaware Redux

What was once a fantastical piece of family lore concerning George Washington in 1776, was given a mystic Amphibian dimension in 1993.

1734 – October 1993
  • 6
  • 1
Kissing cousins,
fifteen times over.

Kissing cousins, fifteen times over.

Robert & Dick met at Brown University in 1979. They share fifteen direct Ancestors, and more common lines of descent.

1576 – 1692
  • 18