How the truth behind my grand-mother's life was revealed as gossip at her burial, and only shown to be true 20 years later.
How I almost became an archaeologist instead of a genealogist.
Mary Reynolds, Kent, England, arrived 1630, married Richard Sanger 1649, 7 kids. In 1705, at 75, begging food/wood at town meeting.
Robert & Dick met at Brown University in 1979. They share fifteen direct Ancestors, and more common lines of descent.
A first experiment searching historic newspaper archives is successful, but yields a ghastly surprise.
The John Choate and Cora Gibbs family has a direct ancestor who volunteered to defend his community, and fought for US independence
A scarred wooden toy chest reveals the story of an ambitious New York box maker and the tragic end of a family business.
This is my ancestry from myself back to Elias Taylor, Sr. I was able to join the DAR thru him.