How in finding the man, I discovered my Galician roots.
How the truth behind my grand-mother's life was revealed as gossip at her burial, and only shown to be true 20 years later.
85 years later, a niece and a great-grand niece rediscover a friendship that lasted a lifetime and spanned three continents
What was once a fantastical piece of family lore concerning George Washington in 1776, was given a mystic Amphibian dimension in 1993.
Mary Reynolds, Kent, England, arrived 1630, married Richard Sanger 1649, 7 kids. In 1705, at 75, begging food/wood at town meeting.
A story of 4American Families. They would form a new story with a new future.
In a real tear-jerker of an episode, Christina discovers the painful reasons why her father never knew his mother.
Robert & Dick met at Brown University in 1979. They share fifteen direct Ancestors, and more common lines of descent.
From Willis Doris Stokes of Alabama, 1839, to the present day and Reagan Mackenzie Thomas; this is the story of the family, past & present.
here are stories I have told to my son and daughter, my granddaughter and grandson, and which I hope I can tell to my great granddaughter.
This episode of my life events deals with my relations with my grandfather, Mr. Stokes, not Grandfather Stokes, "Mr. Stokes."
This is an experience I had while in the Coast Guard stationed in San Pedro, California, in 1951.
This is an introduction to my lifetime of collecting United States postage stamps. It has been a wonderful experience.
During the course of my genealogy work, I have discovered and connected with cousins from all my family branches. Here are some lessons.