Not many people can say they got started at 12, but I did! Here's the full story.
Crossing the threshold after 210 years, two branches of the same family re-unite under a single roof
I consider this my first "genealogy" moment. 1984. I was 9 years old.
She is not smiling for the photo. She is not even looking at the camera. Who is my great grandmother? What does her expression mean?
Nels Sommer & Ane Marie Jonasen met and married in Denmark and had their first two children there before emigrating to Rockford, Illinois.
Mary Reynolds, Kent, England, arrived 1630, married Richard Sanger 1649, 7 kids. In 1705, at 75, begging food/wood at town meeting.
He wanted to find a connection to France and an ancestor who was an artist like him... and his genealogy delivered the goods!
My parents met when they were both stationed near Washington DC during WWII.
After fleeing Ireland as a young man, during the potato famine, Samuel settles on a farm in Burlington, New Jersey, and has eight children.
The Stowers and Burrage families: our 10th and 9th great grandparents