

About Me

We don't know anything about lpolinsky yet.


Goodbye Moscow, hello San Diego

Goodbye Moscow, hello San Diego

How I left a country that no longer exists and learned to love sunny weather

1980 – 1992
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The In-Progress Biography

The In-Progress Biography

I'm so vain, I probably think this story's about me.

April 27, 1977 – 10/25/2012
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Goodbye, USSR

Goodbye, USSR

The Polinsky family leaves the Soviet Union

August, 1988 – August, 1988
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Lev Falls into a Well

Lev Falls into a Well

A winter walk goes wrong

January 1987 – January 1987
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A stupid woman

A stupid woman

A linguistics degree is good for something, dammit!

September, 1988 – September, 1988
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