by: 3milyr0u3ch3c0lb3rt
It was a little over a year ago on March 2, 2012 when Bradford Bruce Garrison passed away. He was loved my so many and as one of the many theater students who grew to know and love his outgoing personality I started to put together a collection of stories about him.
One of the most memorable experience I had with him was called cast prayer. Every time, before we put on a preformance or a play rehearsal he would ask us to gather for cast prayer.
Everyone, religious or not, would gather together in a circle. We would cross our arms right over left. Our right hand would grab the left hand of the person on the left of us, and our left hand grabbing the right hand of the person to our right.
In these cast prayers, we would pray for the safety of the actors. We would ask for a good run of the show and that things would go fine on and off stage. Also, we would pray that the audience would find our show to their liking.
After the prayer was said we would all twist, unfolding our arms and facing out. Then we would let go of each other’s hands and go into a circle, throw our hands in and shout something like, “Hurray for Oliver” or whatever we decided upon for that time. This became a tradition every night of the show. We would do this same thing, and this has stuck in my memory. It became something I loved and treasured, as I’m sure it is treasured by so many others.